Friday, January 26, 2018, 1:00 p.m.
Room F-216
- Welcome and Introductions
- Approval of the Agenda
- Approval of the Minutes of December 1, 2017
- Business Arising from the Minutes
- Academic Council Committees (A-C. Banville)
- Standard Blurbs for Policies – Follow Up (J. Hudson)
- Devis pédagogique (A-C. Banville, S. Tardif)
- Main Business
- Items for Recommendation
- UQAM DEC-BAC Agreement –Business Management (Marketing- 410.D0) (A. Perout, A. Gates)
- Inclusion Policy for Students With Disabilities (M. E. Longpré; 2 pm)
- Accord-Cadre – École de Langues UQAM (P. Gagné)
- 2018-2019 Academic Calendar (S. Tardif)
- Request – Paralegal Technology (A-C. Banville)
- John Abbott College MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) – Auto-financed AEC’s (A-C. Banville)
- Items for Consultation
- Items for Recommendation
- Reports, Announcements and Correspondence
- Animal Health Technology and E Wing Renovations (M. Sendbuehler, L. Bégin; 3pm)
- Winter 2018 Enrollment (S. Tardif)
- CCTT (Centres Collégiaux de Transfert de Technologie) Proposal (A-C. Banville)
- Varia
- Adjournment