News Bulletin #1-2019/2020, September 4, 2019

Welcome back!
The VCTA Executive would like to wish all teachers an enjoyable and satisfying 2019-2020 academic year.  We hope that your semester is off to a good start.

As we prepare to negotiate our new collective agreement next year, we encourage you to become familiar with the issues that will be brought to the bargaining table and to exercise your right as a union member to participate in meetings in which our negotiations will be discussed.

At the local level, here at Vanier, we will continue to discuss the revision of our IPESA (Institutional Policy on the Evaluation of Student Achievement). Although the process may seem to be never-ending, it is important that departments participate in the various IPESA consultations this year.

Do not hesitate to come see us if you have any questions or concerns. Our office hours for this semester are posted on the door of the union office C-101 and available on the VCTA website.

General Assembly: Insurance – 25 September, UB, N-336
Don’t miss the September 25th general assembly. The main topic will be our collective insurance. The period to submit a change to your coverage is during the month of November. Come get all the information for the new contract as of January 2020.

Earth Strike Day – September 27th
In the weeks leading up to September 27th, we will have the opportunity to discuss various issues surrounding climate action. As we mentioned in previous communications, we will send you information from FNEEQ and the CSN to enable us to coordinate our efforts at Vanier.

There will be some activities organized at Vanier around the 27th. Keep your eye out for these.

Our external vice-president, Jacques Mainville, attended a meeting on August 24th of unions who voiced concerns about the effect that the decisions of Colleges to cancel classes on September 27th may have on the Earth-strike movement. We invite you to read some points that came out of this meeting. (See attached document.) Regardless of whether or not we agree with the points made, the VCTA Executive feels that we should take them into account in possible future actions of this nature.

Québec Bill 21
As you may know, Bill 21, which forbids some public employees from wearing religious symbols, became law on June 19, 2019. Although Cégep teachers are not within the scope of the law, some of our students may be affected in terms of their stage placements.

The VCTA Executive would like stage coordinators to contact us if they know of any such situations.

The VCTA Executive will also make inquiries at FNEEQ and the CSN to determine how Vanier teachers may join with others who have voiced their opposition to this legislation. We will keep you informed of developments.

VCTA position re: Quality Assurance/CEEC
We have been informed that the CEEC (Commision d’évaluation de l’enseignement collégial) will be visiting Vanier the week of September 15th, 2019. If members are asked to attend meetings with representatives of the CEEC, we would ask that you keep in mind the VCTA General Assembly position (see attached) if you are invited to meet with representatives of the CEEC. Feel free to present to them the motion expressing our position.

Happy Hour in October
The date for the VCTA Happy Hour this semester has not yet been confirmed. But it will happen in October. We’ll keep you informed. We always welcome a hand before and during the event. Let us know if you want to help out.

Signing Contracts Without Prejudice
A signed contract is legally binding. Of course, this includes teaching contracts. In order to reserve the right to challenge a contract you sign, you need to write “signed without prejudice” next to your signature. Don’t forget to include this note if there are elements of your contract you want to review with the VCTA or if you have to sign a contract you object to. Then, come see us in the union office C-101.

PD Expenses Report Deadline for 2018–2019
Remember to submit your expenses report for PD funds requested last academic year as soon as possible. The deadline to submit your report is October 30th.

Upcoming Meetings
September 6, 1:00pm, F-216 – Academic Council
September 25, UB, N-336 – General Assembly: Insurance