Friday, January 31, 2020, 1:00 p.m.
Room F-216
- Welcome and Introductions
- Approval of the Agenda
- Approval of the Minutes of December 13, 2019
- Business Arising from the Minutes
- Complementary Courses – Civics: The Challenges of Democracy in Canada and the US (I. Delisle)
- 2020-2021 Academic Calendar (S. Tardif)
- Main Business
- Items for Consultation
- IPESA Presentation (I. Delisle)
- Items for Recommendation
- Financial Services and Insurance (410.F0) Program Grid Revision ( E. Cooperberg, D. Hoida, Pepe)
- Business Administration: Accounting Program Grid Revision (E. Cooperberg, Guay, R. Bloom)
- Business Administration: Marketing Program Grid Revision (E. Cooperberg, J. Guay, P. Bruneau)
- Reports, Announcements and Correspondence
- Cheating and Plagiarism Report (Sylvie)
- Varia
- Adjournment