The Vanier College Teachers’ Association
Link to the New Collective Agreement
A pdf of the FNEEQ Collective Agreement 2020-2023 is now available on the VCTA website at:
For your convenience, we have also uploaded a document which summarizes the major changes between the new and old collective (2015-2020) agreements here:
Please note that for the moment, only the French version of the agreement is available. An English version of the Collective Agreement will become available once the Partie Partonale fulfills its responsibility to have the document translated.
General Assembly – April 20th (12:00 – 1:30; on Zoom)
On April 20th, a General Assembly will be held to present and approve the agreement in principle for the position of Office Employee for the VCTA. Sheree Sitahal currently occupies this position and she deserves a fair Collective Agreement. We need you, the GA, to approve the agreement in principle that we have reached with her union.
What you can do concerning Bill 96 – Contact your MNA
Discussions over Bill 96 are extremely polarizing among college teachers, and across the réseau: unions, administrations, students, etc. The discourse has been manipulated into a dualistic ‘us vs them’ debate rather than focussing on problems and solutions. We, of course, deplore the government’s lack of consultation with network actors, and defiant ignorance of calls for constructive discussion of the impacts of its proposed measures from both unions and administrations.
Locally, at the request of VCTA members, the Association Council has scheduled a Special General Assembly on the topic of Bill 96 to be held on Thursday, 28 April, at 18h00. This meeting will be the chance for Vanier teachers to voice our collective concerns.
If you wish to take individual action against Bill 96, we recommend that you write a letter to your local MNA. We know teachers, students, and other concerned citizens from all over the province have already done so.
A public sector common front has been agreed upon by the centrales syndicales for the 2023 collective agreement negotiations (central table)
The centrales syndicales will present a united front (aka front commun) in our current public sector negotiations. The major orientations that will be driving our demands are:
The improvement of working and practice conditions
The improvement of wages
• Ensuring a true increase for all employees that is higher than inflation and protects purchasing power
• Seeking an overall wage catch-up for all employees as compared to other sectors of activity and markets to promote attraction and retention
• Having a particular focus on inequalities related to inflation and basic income for the low-income employees in the public sector
• Having a particular focus on starting wages
Additionally, retirement demands should be developed with a view to improving quality of life in retirement and maintaining gains from current plans, while focusing on the sustainability of the pension plan and the contribution rate. In addition, they should take into account various aspects, including retention of experienced employees on a voluntary basis.
The first Info Nego which outlines the united front orientations can be accessed via the following links:
English :
French :
A mobilization contact person in departments for our 2023 negotiations
We invite departments to designate a point person to keep departmental members informed of the negotiations for our next collective agreement (2023). The point person can also serve as a contact when demands are being developed, after their deposit at the end of October; and when actual negotiations are underway.
Also, a member of the VCTA executive is always happy to come to your department meetings to discuss our demands and the state of negotiations. Just invite us!
Upcoming Meetings
April 20 – General Assembly at UB (Zoom)
April 21 & 28 – CRTs on Allocation Project (Teams)
April 28 – Special General Assembly on Bill 96 at 6:00 pm