CRT Agenda

Friday, June 3, 2022, 1:00 p.m.

ZOOM Meeting
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Meeting ID: 883 6780 2946

  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Approval of the Agenda
  3. Approval of the Minutes of May 6, 2022
  4. Business Arising from the Minutes
  5. Main Business
    1. Items for Consultation
      1. Academic Council Items 2022- 2023 (K. Purdy)
    2. Items for Recommendation
      1. Election of 2022-2023 Vice-Chair (M. DeNora)
      2. Complementary Course – Revised Framework (K. Purdy)
      3. Code of Conduct (A. Mackay, C. Cichon, M. Shaw)
      4. 2021-2022 Teaching Excellence Award (in camera) (K. Purdy)
  6. Reports, Announcements and Correspondence
    1. Vice-Chair Annual Report (M. DeNora)
    2. Academic Continuity Plan – Fall 2022 (K. Purdy)
    3. October 2022 Ped Day (D. Hoida)
    4. RAC Services for Software Development ( J-E. O’Meara)
    5. Collection Development Standard (C. Fodor)
    6. Space Proposal – 2022-2023 Pilot Project (C. Cichon, H. Kavallos)
    7. E-Campus Project Update (J. McMahon, G. DeLuca)
    8. Network and Program News (J. McMahon)
    9. Academic Council – 2022-2023 Meeting Dates (S. Tardif)
  7. Varia
  8. Adjournment