The Vanier College Teachers’ Association
Upcoming Discussion of FNEEQ Position
As you may recall, on 8 September 2022, the Conseil Fédéral of FNEEQ, our union federation, voted to revise its position regarding Bill 96. The new amendments to the position from 2021 include support for the application of so called ‘Bill 101’ conditions for admissions to cégeps.
As mentioned in previous messages, this puts us, the VCTA, in an uncomfortable political position. Our own federation has a mandate to campaign for the application of measures that would directly and negatively affect our working conditions. This is obviously a real problem.
However, in the time since Conseil Fédéral’s decision was taken, several meetings happened and there is some hope. The FNEEQ Executive assure us that they have no intention of ever acting on this mandate. The anglophone colleges are already working at reversing the decision. Also, FNEEQ has since adopted motions of support for the anglophone colleges on related issues. The president of FNEEQ has even written to the ministry to object to its modifying our working conditions with loi 14 without going through the legal collective agreement negotiation process.
With all of this, we, Vanier teachers, have not yet had a chance to debate and discuss this situation together. And we feel it would be important to do so. We will add this item to an upcoming GA or organize a Special General Assembly on this topic some time in November or early December. We hope to adopt a motion that would express our collective feelings and that our delegates can bring back to FNEEQ. More information will be forthcoming, but we wanted to give you a head’s up.
Update on Negos:
We are now at the stage where both the central and sectoral demands have been harmonized and submitted to our negotiation counterparts., on October 21st and October 28th, respectively. We can expect a first feedback before the end of the year, late December.
Sectoral table: As you know, the initial submission is mostly about principles and areas of the collective agreement that we would like to improve. One of our amendments from the September 22nd GA made it into the cahier de principes (the one about the uniformity of the DEC across the reseau). The other ones, as they were focusing specific solutions instead of broad principles, were translated into a mandate given to the negotiation team. It is tasked to track and evaluate the impacts of the implementation of Law 14 on our working conditions. Once we hear back from the CPNC in December, we will be able to refine our demands and proposed solutions in the second round of consultations. This will likely begin at the January 16th GA.
Central table: The Front Commun now represents more than 420000 workers, since APTS joined the three other Centrales (CSN, CSQ and FTQ). The harmonization process took place in October and the final demands were submitted to the government last week in Quebec City. Around 2000 local unions’ representatives supported the submission while marching on the streets. Very little was changed compared to the draft presented at the September 22nd GA, and the focus is still on salaries (protection mechanism against inflation + yearly % increases), improved pension plans and parental rights, in order to enhance the attractivity of the public sector and ensure a better retention.
Both cahiers de demandes are attached, in English and French.
White Poppy Campaign

The white poppy campaign was started to encourage Canadians to broaden their Remembrance Day focus to include the civilians who now make up 90% of conflict victims; to challenge the beliefs, values and institutions that make war seem inevitable; and to urge our government to promote and fund effective non-military means of dispute resolution. For more information about this campaign, visit: : https://echecalaguerre.org/
You are also invited to sign the declaration: en cliquant sur ce lien.
Come to the VCTA office to get a card that explains the campaign and to pick up a white poppy at the same time. Red poppies, as usual, should be available throughout the college – for example, in the printshop.
OPUS Card Discount For Vanier Employees
OPUS à l’année is an annual subscription program valid in Montréal for the STM bus and métro network. It is available for monthly passes for full fare and reduced fare for 65 and over.
Vanier College Employees can now qualify for the equivalent of 2 months’ worth of savings (get 12 months for the price of 10 months). Drop by the VCTA’s Office (C-101) to get the code to unlock the savings.
VCTA Happy Hour – December 14
The VCTA will be hosting a Happy Hour on December 14th. Details to come, and we hope to see you there so save the date!
Climate change and biodiversity
We have the responsibility to not only mitigate the impacts of climate change and biodiversity loss, but also to adapt and prepare Quebec to deal with climate impacts. We need to call on our government to do better. Please send the message below.
How it works- retirement
See online version of bulletin
Upcoming Meetings
Association Council – November 17th (1:30)
Academic Council – November 18th (1:00, F – 217)
General Assembly – November 23