General Assembly Agenda

May 23rd 2024
at 4pm in B223

  1. Approval of Agenda
  2. Approval of Minutes: The Minutes of April 17th, 2024, are outstanding.
  3. Business Arising
  4. Reports & Announcements:
    a) 24-25 VCTA Executive
    b) Teachers to be named to VCTA Committees.
  5. New Business:
    a) Budget for 24-25*
    b) Continued discussion of the surplus.
    c) Nego 2023 Bilan committee
    d) Recommendation from Association Council sub-committee on the environment**
  6. Varia
    *MOTIONS passed at the May 15th 2024 Association Council meeting:
    That Association Council recommend to the General Assembly that the Budget for 24-25 as presented (with the revenues adjusted), be approved.
    That Association Council recommend to the General Assembly that the surplus of $78K be assigned as a contingency fund, for uses to be decided at future GAs.
    That Association Council recommend to the General Assembly that we consider improvements to the union spaces to increase usage, enjoyment and community.
    ** ‘Plaidoyer pour une éducation environnementale cohérente’.