Academic Agenda

Monday, June 7, 2021, 1:00 p.m.

  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Approval of the Agenda
  3. Approval of the Minutes of May 28, 2021
  4. Business Arising from the Minutes
  5. Main Business
    i. Items for Consultation
    ii. Items for Recommendation
    a) 2021-2026 Strategic Plan and Student Success Plan (E. Cooperberg)
    b) IPESA Modification – COVID 19 Context (K. Purdy)
    c) Institutional Standards on the Use of Webcams – Follow Up (H. Kavallos)
    iii. Information, Reports and Announcements
    a) Strategic Enrolment Plan (A-C. Banville)
    b) Vice-Chair Annual Report (M. DeNora)
    c) Cheating & Plagiarism Report (K. Muncey)
    d) Respiratory & Anaesthesia Technology Exit Profiles (J. Hall, C. Moran)
    e) Nursing Exit Profiles (J. Hall, L. Chipp)
    f) Business Administration Course Frameworks (E. Cooperberg)
    g) PED DAY August 2021 (E. Cooperberg)
    h) Official Programs (E. Cooperberg)
    i) Academic Continuity Plan Update (K. Purdy)
    j) Academic Council – Fall Meeting Dates (A-C. Banville)
  6. Varia
  7. Adjournment