Association Council Meeting


August 29st 2023
1:30 pm in F216

Election of Chair & Alternative-chair for 24-25:

  1. Approval of Agenda:
  2. Approval of Minutes: April 10 and May 15
  3. Business Arising:
  4. Reports & Announcements:
  5. New Business:
    a. Money for Guest Speakers
    b. Executive Meeting Minutes
    c. Négo News and Retro Pay
    d. Sub-committees 2024-2025
    i. Environment
    ii. Continuing Education
    iii. Mobilization
    iv. Law 14
    v. Guest Speaker Policy
    vi. Professional Development Subcommittee
    e. Association Council recruitment
    f. 27 pay period
  6. Members’ Concerns:
  7. Varia:
  8. Adjournment:
  9. Motion:
    That Association Council recommend to adopt the sectoral “priority demands” as amended.
    That association Council recommend to the General Assembly that the VCTA strike fund be used to top-up each teacher working on the picket line (or other activities) for 4 hours per day, to $140 per day.