Association Council


Association Council Members

Brian Aboud         At-Large

Jessica Braul         At-Large

Katherine Collin      At-Large

David Zilberman     At-Large

Joel Casseus         FABSS

Stefan Kuch          FABSS

Heather Robb        FGSE

Sean Gauthier         FGSE

Estelle Lamothe       FST

Renee LeCavalier      FST

Association Council is the deliberative body of the VCTA that makes decisions on how the union should run between General Assemblies makes recommendations to the General Assembly. It is composed of the four Executive members and twelve other VCTA members (six at large and two from each of the three faculties) who are elected in April of each year, for a one year mandate.  Council members represent all teachers but bring the point of view and experience of their faculty to Council. The Association Council meets every two or three weeks during the semester and the agendas are sent out to the entire membership. All teachers are welcome and encouraged to attend and speak at Association Council but only Council members can vote on motions.