Meanwhile an idea from south of the border about “Fair Labour” in for adjunct faculty in universities: “Top-tier American universities charge tens of thousands of dollars a year in tuition – yet they get away with exploiting legions of adjunct professors,
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The CAQ First budget from Girard: infinite surpluses
For the education sector, it is useful to recall how and how much is actually being distributed to make up for the Liberal cuts of the last four years, and not to accept at face value the Caquiste claim of prioritizing education.
Continue readingColleges say more teaching is better. They’re wrong.
A perspective on College and University teaching loads that is also pertinent for CEGEP teachers: “Fewer courses means more time for students, more individual attention, more time to grade (and grade thoroughly), and more time to plan. Perhaps most importantly, it means
Continue readingThe Government is crippling the CEGEP Science Program
Le gouvernement décapite le programme de science au cégep _ Le Devoir
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Education is always threatened by latent utilitarianism PQ proposal: If elected, cut budgets to English CEGEPs
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