November 2nd, 20231:30 pm in F216 Election of Chair & Alternative chair for 23-24: a) Negotiations b) Bill 96/Law 14 c) Assoc C. sub-committees 4. Reports & Announcements 5. New Business: a) Nov 6th Strike 6. Members’ Concerns: 7.
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Academic Council Agenda
Friday, October 20, 2023, 1:00 p.m. Academic council members are requested to attend the meeting in person in the board room (F216). Other community members are welcome to attend in person or online. Since the regular council meetings takes place
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October 5, 20231:30 pm in F216 Election of Chair & Alternative chair for 23-24:1) Approval of Agenda:2) Approval of Minutes: May 4th, 2023, MINUTES are outstanding.3) Business Arising:The following GA dates were approved unanimously with an on-line poll of members:Sept
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October 11th, 2023At 12:30Location: B223AGENDA
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AGENDA Meeting scheduled for Thursday, September 28, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. via Teams 1. Adoption of Agenda 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Business Arising 4. New Business a) E-campus Accounting Principles Adoption b) Cad Program revision c)
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September 20th 2023 at 6pmLocation: tbdA strike vote will be taken at this meeting.
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Aug 31st 20231:30 pm in F216AGENDA Election of Chair & Alternative-chair for 23-24: 2. Approval of Minutes: May 4th 2023 MINUTES are outstanding. 3. Business Arising: 4. Reports & Announcements 5. New Business:a) Joyce Principleb) Association Council & GA datesc)
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Meeting to be held on Thursday, June 1, 2023at 2:00 p.m. via Microsoft Teams
Continue readingAcademic Council Agenda
Friday, June 2, 2023, 1:00 p.m. Academic council members are invited to attend the meeting in person in the board room (F216). Other community members are welcome to attend in person or online. Since the regular council meetings takes place
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Meeting to be held on Thursday, May 11, 2023at 2:00 p.m. via Microsoft Teams
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