Hiring Priority and Program Committees

Hiring Priority

The new collective agreement changes the rules on seniority. (Article 5-3). Last May, a transition list came out with the seniority calculated- excluding short term substitution since the signing of the new agreement. On October 15, a new list will be published, including any summer courses to the end of August, 2011. This list will establish hiring priority for the winter semester.

However, there is an important “twist” that has to be taken into account here. For hiring priority, (5-4:16b) although short term substitution does not count for seniority, it can give you a full time contract. A non-tenured teacher who teaches cont ed courses, summer school courses and substitution can get the title of a full time teacher for job priority purposes if :

Ci/80 plus the number of hourly paid periods/525 equals one.

That is, if your CI plus the number of hours paid hourly over 525 gets you up to a full workload, you have the title of a full time teacher for priority purposes. So substitution work can count the next year if you get up to a full time contract.. And remember, under 3 years seniority the teacher who is full time has priority over the teacher who is part time, even if the part time teacher has more seniority.

Non-tenured teachers should also remember that if they have 50CI part-time workload in the regular program (substitution does not count in the 50 CI), they can complete their workload in Cont Ed and summer school and have the hours calculated according to the CI calculation. If they reach 80 CI, they become full time teachers but if not, the cont ed and summer school remains hourly paid.

Programs in the New Collective Agreement

According to Article 4-1:02 b), program committees are formed for each program leading to a DEC that the College offers. This Committee is made up of the teachers from the disciplines teaching in the program. It may also have members from other categories of employees- that is support staff or professionals. The teachers on the program committee are named by their department. You will find the other details of the program committee on Page 23 of the new collective agreement. The rest of the information about program committees can be found in the rest of 4-1:02 of the collective agreement. You will find the link to the Collective Agreement in French below. As soon as it is available in English, we will send it out.