Across the FNEEQ, 43 cegeps have voted for the strike, and the other two have voted to rally. Julie Dionne, president of the teachers’ union of Cégep de Sherbrooke, has created the following visual representation of the results across the
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Meeting to be held on Thursday, April 22th, 2021at 3:00 p.m. via Microsoft Teams 1. Adoption of Agenda2. Approval of Minutes3. Business Arising a) Reduction of class sizes for Winter 2021 and use of S-120 funds 4. New Business
Continue readingNews Bulletin #9-2020/2021, April 20, 2021
Photo credit: Hugo. Support Staff Strike 2021-03-30 Our support staff at Vanier were on strike recently to demand progress in their negotiations with the CAQ government. On the sunny morning of Tuesday, 30 March, your VCTA Executive picketed with them
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To all VCTA members You are hereby convened to the special general assembly that will be heldOn: April 21, 2021At: 12 noon.Location: ZOOM meeting A strike vote will be taken at this meeting. Agenda1. Approval of the agenda (cannot be
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Continue readingCRT Agenda
Meeting to be held on Thursday, April 8, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. via Microsoft Teams 1. Adoption of Agenda 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Business Arisinga) Reduction of class sizes for Winter 2021 and use of S-120 fundsb) Workload Reduction
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Friday, March 12, 2021, 1:00 p.m. ZOOM Meeting ID: 928 5914 3743 1. Welcome and Introductions2. Approval of the Agenda3. Approval of the Minutes of February 19, 20214. Business Arising from the Minutes a) IPESA Procedures (E. Cooperberg) b)
Continue readingNews Bulletin #8-2020/2021, March 5, 2020
45 cégeps, 45 actions campaign. On Wednesday, March 3, 2021, we were joined by our comrades from Cégep Saint-Laurent for a photo op in support of our negos. Noteworthy, we got some honks from cars driving by. Memories of actions past
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Date: 2021-03-04 Time: 1:30pm Location – This Meeting is Online AGENDA Members present: Non-members present: Approval of Agenda: Approval of Minutes: The minutes of Jan 28th 2021 & February 18th are outstanding. Business Arising: Encouraging healthy debate among
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Wednesday, March 10th 2021Time: 12 noonLocation: ZOOM platform AGENDA Approval of Agenda Approval of Minutes Business Arising Negotiations 2020 * Reports & Announcements New Business Varia Adjournment *MOTIONS from Association Council February 18th 2021 That Association Council recommends that the
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