The Vanier College Teachers’ Association Thank You! We would like to thank everyone who voted in the ratification election. Your participation in the democratic process is most important and highly appreciated. And thank you for your vote of confidence! We
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Meeting to be held on Thursday, May 11, 2023at 2:00 p.m. via Microsoft Teams
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Meeting to be held on Thursday, May 11, 2023at 2:00 p.m. via Microsoft Teams
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May 4th 20231:30 pm in F216
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VCTA EXECUTIVE Hugo Casanova, PresidentSandi Mak, Vice President (internal) Hakim Loudyi, Vice President (external)Estelle Lamothe, Secretary/Treasurer ACADEMIC COUNCILBrock Hanly, At LargeCarmelina Macri, At LargeMaggie Kathwaroon, Faculty of General EducationAurora Flewwelling-Skup, Faculty of General EducationNatalia Delgado, Faculty of Science and TechnologyToby
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Meeting to be held on Thursday, April 27, 2023at 2:00 p.m. via Microsoft Teams Adoption of Agenda Approval of Minutes Business Arising New Businessa) Faculty Allocations Initial Project 2023-2024b) Update on MEDS Varia Adjournment
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FACULTY LABOUR RELATIONS COMMITTEEMeeting scheduled for Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. on Teams 1. Adoption of Agenda2. Approval of Minutes3. Business Arising4. New Business a) Faculty Allocation Projet 23-24 b) Release for Coordination of Majors c) Summer Vacation Period
Continue readingVCTA Elections Nominees 2023-2024
VCTA EXECUTIVE Hugo Casanova, PresidentSandi Mak, Vice President (internal) Hakim Loudyi, Vice President (external)Estelle Lamothe, Secretary/Treasurer ACADEMIC COUNCIL Brock Hanly, At LargeCarmelina Macri, At LargeMaggie Kathwaroon, Faculty of General EducationAurora Flewwelling-Skup, Faculty of General EducationNatalia Delgado, Faculty of Science
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Meeting to be held on Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 2:00 pm. via Microsoft Teams 1. Adoption of Agenda 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Business Arising 4. New Businessa) Faculty Allocations project 2023-2024b) Release for coordination in Majorsc)
Continue readingGeneral Assembly Agenda
Apr 12th, 2023 at UB in E 5011. Approval of Agenda2. Approval of Minutes: Mar 9th minutes are outstanding3. Business Arising4. Reports & Announcements: a) Negotiations: The Common Front5. New Business: a) Coordination release for Majors6. Varia7. Adjournment
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