Information, application and expense report forms are available at the VCTA office (in C-101).

The PD Committee, which consists of an equal number of VCTA and administrative representatives, will suspend or delay payment if conditions of the PD grant are not met.

The PD year runs from July 1st to June 30th. Applications, however, should be submitted by June 1st to be processed before the vacation period.

Funds for the current academic year may be used for activities that take place during July and August, if the application is made before June 1st.

All faculty, including those on leave of absence, may apply to the PD Committee for any activity described under “Activities Funded”.

All applications must be made at least 2 weeks in advance of the activity. No payment for retroactive applications can be made.

At the beginning of the academic year, faculty will be informed of the maximum limit per full time faculty member for that year. The maximum amount is determined each year. The limit for part time faculty is determined by the fraction of their workload indicated on their contract.

A tenured teacher may request to combine two years to attend a conference. However, in that case, the PD funds are to be used exclusively to underwrite this one event. A tenured faculty member can then attend the conference within the first or second year of the request so long as they make a request to combine, in advance of the event. In either case, there will then be zero funding allowed for other activities during this two-year period. The request will be granted for a single exceptional application and not for a combination of separate applications.

Non-tenured teachers may submit a request to combine two years, but their request cannot be finalized until their workload for the second year is confirmed, at which time their PD funds are prorated to the teacher’s workload. Teachers who believe they may not have a workload in the second year are encouraged to use their PD funds from the current year.

We encourage applicants to consider: reducing their carbon footprint when planning travel related to Professional Development; prioritizing travel-free meetings and video-conferencing over physical travel; using, when travel is needed, collective forms of ground transportation for destinations within 8 hours of Montreal; and purchasing carbon-offsets for their air-travel costs.Information, application and expense report forms are available at the VCTA office (in C-101).


  1. The first step is to apply to have funding for your Professional Development activity approved. All applications must be submitted on the required forms and accompanied by the appropriate documentation (not to exceed 1 page). The application is then submitted to the Secretary in the VCTA office.
  2. Upon completion of the activity, submit your expense report, with all necessary original receipts, to the Secretary in the VCTA office.


The process of approval for applications and reimbursement involves several persons and offices. Teachers waiting for an approval or a reimbursement should allow a few weeks before receiving confirmation or payment.

If you will attend a Professional Development activity during availability, you must fill out a “Leave of Absence Request for Professional Development Activities” form. Copies of the form are available at any Faculty Dean’s office. Please submit the completed form to your Faculty Dean’s office at least 2 weeks before the event. If the absence is not approved, the PD funding is withdrawn.


  • studies required to complete a Master’s or PhD program in the teacher’s area of specialization;
  • studies or research related to the teacher’s area of specialization, but not necessarily leading to a formal degree;
  • continued development of an instructor’s knowledge base in their discipline;
  • updating in a discipline that is required by changes in the discipline or field of practice;
  • studies in education (e.g. PERFORMA courses);
  • studies in French or English as a second language;
  • physical fitness activities or courses at Vanier College;
  • expenses related to putting on an exhibit related to a teacher’s subject area;
  • fees and expenses incurred while attending a conference related to a teacher’s area of specialization;
  • applications from any recognized faculty group in the College, to fund colloquia or in-house training programs or workshops. Events held in association with other Cégeps may also be considered. The subject matter must be related to professional development. The maximum limits for each of these will be determined at the beginning of each year.


Tenured and non-tenured teachers with a full load as well as part-timers may apply for funds. Tenured and non-tenured teachers with a full load are eligible for the full amount determined that year (e.g. $800). Part-time and hourly-paid teachers’ allocation of funding will be pro-rated to their annual workload.

Hourly-paid teachers may apply for funds pro-rated as follows:
($800 x # hours taught per year) / 525 hours

The table below explains what a teacher can expect as a reimbursement when a request is made under the PD policy. Please note that regardless of how much is requested, only full time teachers are eligible for 100% reimbursement; teachers, of course, will never get more than they request and the amount remaining that they are eligible for future requests depends not just on how much they have previously requested but also if they have requested to combine funds over two years. In the latter case, a teacher is no longer eligible for any more funds during that two-year period, as per the policy on combining for single exceptional events.

$ Requested FTE $ Eligilbe $ Granted $ Receipts for $ Reimbursed $Remaining
$200 100% $800 $200 $300 $200 $600
$1,200 100% $800 $800 $400 $400 $400
$1,200 100% $800 $800 $1,000 $800 $0
*$2,400 100% $1,600 $1,600 $1,200 $1,200 $0
*$2,400 100% $1,600 $1,600 $2,400 $1,600 $0
$200 60% $480 $200 $300 $200 $280
$1,200 60% $480 $480 $400 $400 $80
$1,200 60% $480 $480 $1,000 $480 $0
$2,400 60% $480 $480 $1,200 $480 $0
$2,400 60% $480 $480 $2,400 $480 $0

* Combine two years of PD funds.

This policy takes effect March 12, 2020.

PD Forms

VCTA PD Application

VCTA PD Expense Report